It's All True
Screening on Film
Directed by Richard Wilson, Bill Krohn, Myron Meisel.
France/US, 1993, 35mm, color and b&w, 89 min.
Print source: Paramount
France/US, 1993, 35mm, color and b&w, 89 min.
Print source: Paramount
In 1942, in the midst of editing The Magnificent Ambersons, Welles famously abandoned Los Angeles for Brazil, accepting an RKO contract for a State Department sponsored film project comprised of a handful of segments set primarily in Mexico and Brazil whose goal was to strengthen relationships with the United States' "good neighbors" in Latin America. In the early 1990s, a group of scholars and historians rescued the incredible and previously unseen footage from It’s All True to create this insightful documentary that intertwines Welles' own filmed stories with the fascinating tale of the project's genesis and demise.