Last Year at Marienbad
(L’année dernière à Marienbad)
With Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sacha Pitoëff.
France/Italy, 1961, 35mm, black & white, 93 min.
French with English subtitles.
Print source: HFA
Alain Resnais had discovered Delphine Seyrig at a party in New York—where she lived at the time—when he asked her to play the enigmatic woman at the heart of his second feature. Last Year at Marienbad made Seyrig a star in the European film world; her black bob and custom Chanel outfits served as sartorial inspirations for a new generation of modern women, while her phantasmal presence on-screen led French critics to anoint her “la divine.” The film, directed by Resnais but heavily dictated by Alain Robbe-Grillet’s script, is a nonlinear black-and-white memory piece that takes place in a baroque palace and its surrounding gardens. Seyrig’s nameless diva wordlessly slinks in and out of the frame, her status as either a projection of the protagonist’s fantasies or a flesh-and-bones human left seductively ambiguous. Though her role is somewhat ornamental, in keeping with the film’s fascination with objects and their (non-) permanence, Seyrig, with her alluringly detached gaze, is the catalyst for the protagonist’s spiral, exerting a supernatural influence over him that would come to define Seyrig’s starpower.
Memories of Last Year at Marienbad (Souvenirs d’une année à Marienbad)
Directed by Françoise Spira. Narrated by Volker Schlöndorff.
France/Italy, 1962/2010, DCP, color and b&w, 46 min.
In English.
DCP source: Imec
Resnais’ second assistant director, Volker Schlöndorff, narrates this recently discovered compilation of 8mm footage shot on set by the actress Françoise Spira, who died by suicide in 1965.