
The New Romanian Cinema
Short Films

Screening on Film
  • Liviu’s Dream (Visul lui Liviu)

    Directed by Corneliu Porumboiu.
    With Dragos Bucur, Constantin Dita, Ion Grosu.
    Romania, 2004, 35mm, color, 39 min.
    Romanian with English subtitles.

A restless youth troubled by a recurring dream and a guilty conscious decides to take matters in his own hands. 12:08 East of Bucharest director Porumbiu brings his signature humor and visual flair to this sympathetic portrait of a young man’s unusual search for inner peace. 

  • A Trip to the City (Calatorie la oras)

    Directed by Corneliu Porumboiu.
    With Constantin Dita, Ion Sapardu.
    Romania, 2004, 35mm, color, 19 min.
    Romanian with English subtitles.

Porumbiu’s  humorous vignette follows a dutiful school teacher and a street smart village official on their way to the city to pick up their village’s first computer.

  • The Tube with a Hat (Lampa cu caciula)

    Directed by Radu Jude.
    With Gabriel Spahiu.
    Romania, 2006, 35mm, color, 23 min.
    Romanian with English subtitles.

A wonderful coda to the series is provided by this poignant short which uses the characteristic dead-pan voice of contemporary Romanian cinema to tell the tale of a father and son’s comic misadventures as they take their aging television to town to be repaired.

Part of film series

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The New Romanian Cinema