
Lonesome Cowboys

Screening on Film
Directed by Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey.
With Viva, Taylor Mead, Joe Dallesandro.
US, 1968, 16mm, color, 102 min.

One of Warhol’s most notorious collaborations with filmmaker Paul Morrissey—Warhol was briefly put under FBI surveillance for attempts to transport obscene material across state lines, and the film was seized by authorities in Atlanta—Lonesome Cowboys transplants the New York Factory Superstars to a wild west town and dude ranch in Arizona. By turns shocking and hilarious, the film combines cowboy and sexual violence, as well as the evanescent Taylor Mead performing the Lupe Velez twist.

Part of film series

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Andy Warhol and the Factory: Selected Works

Other film series with this film

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The Legend of Taylor Mead

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