
Passing Fancy

Screening on Film
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu.
With Takeshi Sakamoto, Nobuko Fushimi, Den Ohikata.
Japan, 1933, 35mm, black & white, silent, 101 min.

Set in old Edo in the sweltering summer heat, Passing Fancy concerns an illiterate day laborer who is raising his son (Ozu’s favorite brat, Tokkan Kozo) with the help of a friend. Both men end up involved with the same young woman, whose rejection of the father leads him into drunkenness, dissipation, and a violent quarrel with his beloved son. Playing one of the most vivid figures in all of Ozu’s work, Takeshi Sakamoto plumbs every aspect of his character’s blustering, besotted persona. The film’s unusual concentration on character, however, is matched by an arresting visual style typical of his best films of the period.

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Yasujiro Ozu.
A Centennial Celebration

Other film series with this film

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Ozu: Poet of the Everyday