

Director in Person
Screening on Film
$12 Special Event Tickets
Directed by Ulrike Ottinger.
With Veruschka, Robert Kaldy-Karo.
Germany/Austria, 2007, 35mm, color, 104 min.
German with English subtitles.

The fabled Viennese amusement park, Prater, is the centerpiece for Ottinger’s meditation on vanished pre-war Europe and its fascination with machines and entertainment. Ottinger skillfully pieces together the park’s history, interweaving remarkable archival footage, interviews with members of the carnival worker families who are the park’s lifeblood and new fictional footage starring Veruschka as a latter-day Alice gliding through the Prater’s Wonderland. An intellectual thrill ride, Ottinger’s film makes delightfully unexpected turns with its harnessing of diverse writings by the likes Josef von Sternberg, Elias Canetti and Elfriede Jellinek.

Part of film series

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Tales of a Wandering Camera
The Films of Ulrike Ottinger

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