
Regular Lovers
(Les amants réguliers)

Screening on Film
Directed by Philippe Garrel.
With Louis Garrel, Clotilde Hesme, Eric Rulliat.
France, 2005, 35mm, color, 175 min.
French with English subtitles.
Print source: Palm Pictures

The events of May '68 and their disappointing aftermath have always been at the heart of Philippe Garrel's work. Regular Lovers is Garrel's achingly beautiful memorial to the moment itself, and to the poignant confusion felt by French youth who tried to keep the spirit of revolt alive as they grappled with adulthood. A young poet (played beautifully by the director's son Louis) witnesses the conflagration during a night on the barricades, then experiences the euphoria of love and communal freedom, followed by the inevitable moment when reality comes to collect its due. Garrel has fashioned an intimate poetic epic, which harks back to the silent films of Louis Feuillade and the poetry of Baudelaire and Gérard de Nerval in its austere yet romantic vision of Paris by night and by day.

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Sixth Annual New Films From Europe