

Screening on Film
Directed by Philippe Grandrieux.
With Marc Barbé, Elina Löwensohn, Geraldine Voillat.
France, 1998, 35mm, color, 117 min.
French with English subtitles.

Grandrieux’s first feature film follows a solitary traveling puppeteer who is also a brutal serial killer. The title refers to the darkness out of which the film’s events emerge and to which they return in a series of images where often the main action seems to take place offscreen, or perhaps between the shots. The narrative really begins when the killer meets a pair of sisters who are almost allegorically matched - dark and blond, sexual and virginal - an encounter which balances on the knife’s edge between the suspense of the horror film and an almost fairy tale belief in magical transformation.  In either case, the characters of Sombre can’t be judged by standards of verisimilitude but are rather at the mercy of their drives, both attracted to and repulsed by the sexuality of violence and the violence of sexuality.


  • Putting Holes in Happiness

    Directed by Philippe Grandrieux.
    US/France, 2007, digital video, color, 4 min.

    A music video for Marilyn Manson's song.

Part of film series

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Night Visionary.
Philippe Grandrieux's Adventures in Perception

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