Speaking Parts
Screening on Film
Directed by Atom Egoyan.
With Michael McManus, Arsinée Khanjian, Gabrielle Rose.
Canada, 1989, 35mm, color, 92 min.
With Michael McManus, Arsinée Khanjian, Gabrielle Rose.
Canada, 1989, 35mm, color, 92 min.
By way of explaining this complex, visually rich reflection on image-making, Atom Egoyan provided the following statement at the time of its release: "I have worked in a hotel for five years. I have worked in film for ten. Both of these professions involve the creation of illusion. In one, the territory of illusion is a room. In the other, it is a screen. People move in and out of rooms. Actors move in and out of screens. Speaking Parts explores a terrain which moves between rooms and screens; a terrain of memory and desire. Somewhere in the passage from a room to a screen, a person is transformed into an image. I am fascinated by this crucial moment, and by the contradiction involved in making images of people."