
The Adjuster

Screening on Film
Directed by Atom Egoyan.
With Elias Koteas, Arsinée Khanjian, Maury Chaykin.
Canada, 1991, 35mm, color, 102 min.

An insurance adjuster, some film censors, an ex-football player, an aspiring cheerleader, a podiatrist, an actress, a lamp merchant, a butterfly collector, and the devoted staff of a large motel are the characters who propel the action of The Adjuster. Egoyan has said of its genesis: "I wanted to make a film about believable people doing believable things in unbelievable ways." Beneath the veneer of this absurdist comedy lies a deadly serious intent: to articulate the psychopathology of social and commercial networks. Egoyan has woven a story that succeeds in evoking a host of complex emotions and ideas and, at the same time, impresses with its sheer wit and technical panache.

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The Early Films of Atom Egoyan

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