The Eclipse
With Monica Vitti, Alain Delon, Francisco Rabal.
Italy/France, 1962, 35mm, black & white, 125 min.
Italian with English subtitles.
In this final installment of the trilogy that began with L’Avventura and La Notte, Antonioni again presents a middle-class couple in crisis, here against the closely observed background of the urban environment. After an initial breakup with her lover, Vittoria (Vitti) drifts into the classic Antonioni condition, wandering aimlessly through an alienating milieu. In what is perhaps his most compelling deployment of the architectural setting, Antonioni displays an unparalleled visual style, using spatial perspective and graphic delineation to create his vision of the modern world. In the film’s famous final sequence, the narrative space of the story is revisited in the absence of its characters, suggesting perhaps, as George Sadoul has noted, the nature of solitude as man’s accustomed state.