
The Lion of the Moguls
(Le Lion des mogols)

Live Musical Accompaniment by Bertrand & Susan Laurence
Screening on Film
Directed by Jean Epstein.
With Ivan Mosjoukine, Nathalie Lissenko, Camille Bardou.
France, 1924, 35mm, black & white, 100 min.
French intertitles with English subtitles.
Print source: Cinémathèque Française

Epstein’s first feature for Films Albatros was a star vehicle for the Russian-born sensation, Ivan Mosjoukine, best known to film history as the human face of the Kuleshov experiment. In The Lion of the Moguls he plays a Tibetan prince who becomes a movie star in France. The film’s Tibetan prologue pays homage to Cecil B. DeMille’s spectaculars, but the subsequent backstage scenes suggest a more cutting assessment of the movie business. Epstein reserves his finest impressionist effects for the prince’s surrender to the lures of the city. The sequence in which he stands like a charioteer in a speeding taxi remains a classic depiction of the crack-up.

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Young Oceans of Cinema.
The Films of Jean Epstein

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Melville et Cie. at the Brattle