
The Royal Road

Jenni Olson in Conversation with Loren King
$15 Special Event Tickets
Directed by Jenni Olson.
US, 2015, DCP, color, 65 min.
DCP source: HFA

A cinematic essay in defense of remembering, The Royal Road offers up a primer on Junipero Serra’s Spanish colonization of California and the Mexican American War alongside intimate reflections on nostalgia, the pursuit of unavailable women, butch identity and Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo—all against a contemplative backdrop of 16mm urban California landscapes and featuring a voiceover cameo by Tony Kushner. Olson’s bold, innovative film combines rigorous historical research with lyrically written personal monologue and relates these seemingly disparate stories from an intimate, colloquial perspective to tell a one-of-a-kind California tale.


  • Blue Diary

    Directed by Jenni Olson.
    US, 1997, 16mm, color, 6 min.

The melancholy story of a butch dyke pining over a one-night stand with a straight girl.

Part of film series

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From the Jenni Olson Queer Film Collection

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