
The State I Am In
(Die innere Sicherheit)

Screening on Film
Directed by Christian Petzold.
With Julia Hummer, Barbara Auer, Richy Müller.
Germany, 2000, 16mm, color, 106 min.
German with English subtitles.

In this fictional account of former terrorists on the run with their innocent teenage daughter, Jeanne and her parents have been leading an underground existence for fifteen years, hiding among the anonymous tourists on the beaches of Portugal. Just when they are about to establish some sort of legal identity for themselves in Brazil, a slight negligence causes everything to fall apart. Jeanne finally claims a right to a life of her own. This study of the moral ambiguity of political actions and the effects of one generation on the next has been favorably compared to Sidney Lumet’s earlier Running on Empty.

Part of film series

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The RAF’s Germany: Terrorism, Politics, Protest

Other film series with this film

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The Films of Christian Petzold

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