
The Wedding of Palo
(Palos brudefærd)

Introduction by Author Lawrence Millman
Screening on Film
Directed by Friedrich Dalsheim with Knud Rasmussen.
With Thorvald Stauning, Herluf Zahle.
Denmark, 1933, 35mm, black & white, 72 min.
Inuit with English subtitles.

Famed Danish explorer Knud Rasmussen passed away shortly after the filming of this absorbing documentary on Eskimo life in the Angmagssalik district of Greenland. Although the film presents a fictional scenario—the rivalry between two Eskimo hunters as they compete for the hand of the same girl, culminating in a spectacular battle—it is the richly detailed ethnographic elements portraying the daily life of the culture that provide the most compelling aspects of this classic work.

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