
Vincent & Theo

Screening on Film
Directed by Robert Altman.
With Tim Roth, Paul Rhys, Adrian Brine.
Netherlands/UK/France/Italy/Germany, 1990, 35mm, color, 138 min.
Print source: HFA

Known for scene-scanning telephoto shots that seek to dissolve the traditional limitations of the frame, Altman might have seemed a counterintuitive filmmaker to take on a film about painting, which must always work within a static canvas. But Van Gogh, of course, is no ordinary painter. As portrayed by Tim Roth in the placid historical snapshot Vincent & Theo, Van Gogh's fatal frustration is his inability, despite a career-long knack for pictorially implying movement and spatial vibration, to get beyond the tyranny of the frame. If there's a generous streak within Altman's mournful, fatalistic period piece, it is in granting Van Gogh the pictorial totality that he never discovered as an artist. This director-to-subject commiseration would seem a natural byproduct of the fact that Altman, like Van Gogh, struggled consistently with the business world throughout his career, crafting work the only way he knew how. Vincent & Theo reminds us that while communities, business trends, and tastes are evolving entities, genius is a rare beast that, if not nurtured, spoils the one who holds it.

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