
Tsukiji Wonderland

Director in Person
Free Admission
Directed by Naotaro Endo.
Japan, 2016, DCP, color, 110 min.
Japanese and English with English subtitles.
DCP source: Shochiku

Tokyo’s Tsukiji market, the largest wholesale fish market on the planet, is on the verge of being relocated. What has made a tired, gritty 80-year-old complex in the heart of Tokyo not simply a commercial hub but a cultural arbiter of contemporary Japanese cuisine? The documentary provides a rich and sustaining portrait of Tsukiji. Spend a day with the buyers, sellers, chefs, local residents, and visitors who help make a fish market central to a city’s sense of identity at a moment when the market’s very future is in flux.

Theodore C. Bestor, Reischauer Institute Professor of Social Anthropology and Director of the Reischauer Institute will introduce the film at each viewing event and moderate a Q & A and short discussion about the documentary with film’s director, Naotaro Endo, and Maiko Teshima and Kazuha Okuda, the co-producers.

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