

Screening on Film
Directed by Nanni Moretti.
With Nanni Moretti, Silvio Orlando, Silvia Nono.
Italy/France, 1998, 35mm, color, 78 min.
Italian with English subtitles.

A filmmaker (delightfully played by Moretti himself) is distracted by the impending birth of his first child and the possibility of the election of Italy’s first left-wing government. Caught up in his own indecision, anxiety, and egotism, he postpones his current production—a musical about a Trotskyite pastry chef—and turns his camera alternately to the political turmoil and the blessed event, investigating them both with a joyful, self-deprecating humor. The brilliant mixture of documentary and fiction contributes to this comic meditation on conflicts between the personal and the political, adulthood and infancy.


  • The Opening Day of Close-Up (Il Giorno Della Prima di Close-Up)

    Directed by Nanni Moretti.
    With Nanni Moretti.
    Italy, 1996, 35mm, color, 7 min.
    Italian with English subtitles.

At his cinema in Rome, the Nuovo Sacher, Nanni Moretti anxiously oversees preparations for the premiere of the film Close-Up, by Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. Meanwhile, Disney’s The Lion King is taking Italy by storm.

Part of film series

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Nanni Moretti:
A Life on Film

Current and upcoming film series

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