

Screening on Film
Directed by Christian Petzold.
With Julia Hummer, Sabine Timoteo, Marianne Basler.
Germany, 2004, 35mm, color, 85 min.
German with English subtitles.

Françoise repeatedly returns to Berlin in search of her daughter who disappeared years ago. She is accompanied on these trips by her compassionate husband who stands by her despite the hopelessness of her quest. One day she encounters Nina, a vulnerable young woman who lives in a group home for troubled teenagers. Nina feels utterly alone save her relationship with Toni, a friend at the shelter with whom she experiences a fleeting moment of intimacy. Françoise is struck by the uncanny resemblance between Nina and her lost daughter and hopes she can bring resolution to her endless pursuit. Director Christian Petzold composes a mosaic of three women - their inapproachability, their transitoriness, their longings.

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