

Dawn Scibilia and Alan Cooke in Person
Screening on Film
Directed by Dawn Scibilia.
Ireland, 2006, digital video, color, 70 min.

Dubliner Alan Cooke emigrated to New York in 2001. His experiences, like that of any immigrant were marked by hopes of a better life, nostalgia for that which was left behind, and a profound preoccupation with the concept of home.  Filmmaker Dawn Scibilia follows Cooke as he walks about his adopted city, reflecting on his life in Ireland and the ways in which New York has became his new “home.” Commentaries from people as diverse as Liam Neeson, Frank McCourt and Woody Allen offer fascinating riffs on Cooke’s musings and collectively attest to the city’s unique ability to embrace its newcomers and become their new home. The result is a beautifully shot lyrical paean to the immigrant condition. We are honored to award Home with this year’s Best Documentary Award.

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The 8th Annual Magners Irish Film Festival

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