
Blind Flight

Directed by John Furse.
With Ian Hart, Linus Roache.
UK, 2004, digital video, color, 97 min.

The 1986 kidnapping of Brian Keenan and his subsequent captivity with John McCarthy in Lebanon is retold here in John Furse’s highly acclaimed and emotionally powerful drama. Rarely leaving the confines of their small cell, the film chronicles the four years Keenan (Ian Hart) and McCathy (Linus Roache) spent together, emphasizing the cultural and political divisions their friendship overcame as well as the harsh treatment endured at the hands of their captives. The result is potent drama of the human spirit with stunning performances from Hart and Roche.


  • Uneasy Piece

    Directed by Niall McKay.
    Ireland, 2005, digital video, color, 15 min.

After decades of violence, Northern Ireland is finally experiencing the possibilities of peace. Journalist and filmmaker Niall McKay examines the North’s recent transition from civil war to civil society and points to the ways in which past wounds are beginning to heal.

Part of film series

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The 8th Annual Magners Irish Film Festival

Current and upcoming film series

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Melville et Cie.

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Psychedelic Cinema

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Hamaguchi Ryusuke, The World as Stage

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Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Art of Harry Smith

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The Shochiku Centennial Collection

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António Campos and the Promise of Cinema Novo

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Boston Punk Rewound / Unbound. The Arthur Freedman Collection

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The Yugoslav Junction: Film and Internationalism in the SFRY, 1957 – 1988

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From the Jenni Olson Queer Film Collection