

Directed by Sarah Kernochan and Howard Smith

The Ruling Class

Directed by Peter Medak
Screening on Film

From the age of four, Marjoe Gortner has known the powerful effects of fame. As a child evangelist, he became a sensation on the religious-revival circuit preaching to millions. Marjoe offers a behind-the-scenes portrait of his final tour, modeled after the success of rock stars like Mick Jagger, whom Gortner shamelessly emulates onstage. Despite critical acclaim, the film courted controversy with scenes of Gortner revealing the capitalist nature of his religious enterprise. In The Ruling Class, Peter O’Toole plays a fanatic of a different sort. As the crazed son of the Earl of Gurney, he believes he is Jesus Christ and uses his newly inherited fortune to help the needy. His family forces him to straighten up for fear of losing their remaining riches, inciting him to embrace a new persona: Jack the Ripper.


  • Marjoe

    Directed by Sarah Kernochan and Howard Smith.
    US, 1972, 35mm, color, 88 min.
  • The Ruling Class

    Directed by Peter Medak.
    With Peter O'Toole, Alistair Sim, Arthur Lowe.
    UK, 1971, 35mm, color, 155 min.

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Summer Double Features II

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Melville et Cie.

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Psychedelic Cinema

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Hamaguchi Ryusuke, The World as Stage

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From the Jenni Olson Queer Film Collection