
Whisky Galore

Directed by Alexander Mackendrick

The Night My Number Came Up

Directed by Leslie Norman
Screening on Film

One of the oldest production companies in the world, Ealing Studios gained international notoriety for a series of satirical portraits of postwar Britain. The directorial debut of Alexander Mackendrick, Whisky Galore is a classic example of the Ealing comedy. The residents of an island in the Hebrides suffer a liquor shortage and plot to plunder the booty of a sunken ship containing fifty thousand cases of whisky. The Night My Number Came Up presents a very different style of Ealing film. At a dinner party, a pilot recounts a dream in which a senior RAF officer crashes a plane off the shores of Japan. When the officer is called to duty the following day, the details of his flight begin to eerily coincide with those described in his colleague’s premonition.


  • Whisky Galore (AKA Tight Little Island)

    Directed by Alexander Mackendrick.
    With Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, Jean Cadell.
    UK, 1948, 35mm, black & white, 82 min.
  • The Night My Number Came Up

    Directed by Leslie Norman.
    With Michael Redgrave, Alexander Knox, Sheila Sim.
    UK, 1954, 35mm, black & white, 94 min.

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