a black and white image of a young white man walking through a forest, looking upalr

Notes for a Film
(Notas para una película)

Director in Person
$15 Special Event Tickets
Directed by Ignacio Agüero.
Chile/France, 2022, DCP, color and b&w, 105 min.
Spanish, French and Mapudungun with English subtitles.

Agüero’s newest film is inspired by the diaries of a Belgian engineer, Gustave Verniory, who came to Chile to construct a railroad between Victoria and Temuco in a region where indigenous Mapuche had been very recently forcibly displaced by the state. A documentary and essay film, Notes for a Film is also a radical work of critical and meta-cinematic adaptation in which Agüero, himself an accomplished actor—who has a role in Latent Image—appears as a version of himself, the questioning filmmaker. Embracing the slippage of time and historical register, Agüero gives new expression to the theme of fragile yet stubborn memory that has haunted and animated modern Chilean cinema. With its references to early film history and the Lumière brothers, Notes for a Film points back to Agüero’s early work—and to One Hundred Children Waiting for a Train in particular—while also opening a new dimension in his cinematic exploration of the landscapes of the Araucanía Region as embodied voices and memories waiting to be activated and understood.

Notes for a Film introduction and post-screening discussion with filmmaker Ignacio Agüero and HFA Director Haden Guest.

Part of film series

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