
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
(Moartea domnului Lãzãrescu)

Screening on Film
Directed by Cristi Puiu.
With Doru Ana, Monica Barladeanu, Alina Berzunteanu.
Romania, 2005, 35mm, color, 154 min.
Romanian with English subtitles.
Print source: Tartan Films

This brilliant second feature by Cristi Puiu was the revelation at Cannes, where it took top prize in the Un Certain Régard section. This sardonic, darkly humorous, compulsively vibrant feature seems so realistic and convincing, unfolding as though in real time, that it's hard to believe it was acted. As it follows an ailing retired engineer, too fond of booze, who gets carted from one overtaxed Bucharest hospital to another in search of proper medical care, a whole stressed society is laid bare; each doctor, nurse, paramedic and patient leaps into view with sharp individuality and articulate self-defensiveness. Compassion and indifference clash, often within the same person. The fluid, mobile camera recalls the great works of Fred Wiseman and John Cassavetes.

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Sixth Annual New Films From Europe

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