
The Loved One
(O Mal-Amado)

Introduction by Francisco Valente
Screening on Film
Directed by Fernando Matos Silva.
With João Mota, Maria do Céu Guerra, Zita Duarte.
Portugal, 1973, 35mm, black & white, 99 min.
Portuguese with English subtitles.
Print source: Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema

In its barbed depiction of the bourgeoisie in the twilight of the Salazar dictatorship, O Mal-Amado gently skewers the status quo, capturing a poignant document of a world about to be swept away in its story of a young man longing for change but encumbered by his lack of courage. O Mal-Amado was, in fact, the last Portuguese film to be banned by the fascist regime and was also, ironically, the first film to be released after the revolution, as a kind of darkly comic valentine to what had been.

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