
The Slow Business of Going

Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari

The Capsule

Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari
Screening on Film

The Slow Business of Going introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton and Athina Rachel Tsangari.


  • The Slow Business of Going

    Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari.
    With Lizzie Martinez, Daniel Aukin, Mike Martin.
    US/Grecce, 2001, 35mm, color, 95 min.
    In English.
    Print source: Strand Releasing

Tsangari’s evocatively stylized low-budget science fiction thriller imagines a not-so-distant future in which a young agent is assigned to scour the globe for memorable experiences to be recorded and delivered to the Experience Data Agency. As a kind of human hard drive, Tsangari’s determined agent offers a compelling figure for the rich confusion between the real and the virtual explored throughout The Slow Business of Going.

  • The Capsule

    Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari.
    Greece, 2012, DCP, color, 37 min.
    French with English subtitles.

Part of film series

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Two Films by Athina Rachel Tsangari

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