
Forward Looking Statements

Directed by Thomas Kneubühler

Waste No. 4 New York, New York

Directed by Jan Ijäs
  • Forward Looking Statements

    Directed by Thomas Kneubühler.
    Switzerland/Canada, 2014, DCP, color, 4 min.

A conference call by investors of a planned iron mine provides the soundtrack for a ride over the land which the company wants to exploit. The land in question is a traditional hunting ground for the Inuit community of Aupaluk, located in Canada’s far North. The village has already been relocated in 1980 and is again under threat.

The term “forward looking statements” is used in the world of investors to describe future events which are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. – Thomas Kneubühler

  • Waste No. 4 New York, New York

    Directed by Jan Ijäs.
    Finland, 2019, 16mm transferred to digital video, black & white, 20 min.

As part of Jan Ijäs’s Waste series, Waste No. 4 New York, New York explores New York City’s various “potter’s field” burial grounds and the world’s largest landfill. Shot on black and white 16mm film, the haunting short documentary surveys the transitional locations of the burial grounds of the nameless, lonely, impoverished inhabitants of New York City over its history. From human cemeteries to the burial grounds of garbage, Ijäs portrays the Fresh Kills Landfill located in Staten Island as the archeological treasure of twentieth century western civilization. Preserving everything from toothbrushes to the remains of the World Trade Center, the dumping ground will encapsulate modern US society for centuries to come. – AV

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Rosine Mbakam, 2025 McMillan-Stewart Fellow