

Screening on Film
Directed by Josef von Baky.
With Hans Albers, Brigitte Horney, Ferdinand Marian.
Germany, 1943, 35mm, color, 100 min.
German with English subtitles.

As the centerpiece for Ufa’s twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, Münchausen offered Germans reeling from news of defeat in Stalingrad a welcome escape. Created in conjunction with the Ministry of Propaganda, the film enacts the definitive Aryan fantasy in this tale of a man who masters his own destiny and marshals the march of time. The protagonist’s legendary powers become employed in Hitler’s war effort, literally cast in the role of a wonder weapon—the illusory means by which the Ministry of Propaganda sought to reanimate a paralyzed nation. A popular vehicle and the product of a world war, Münchausen represents one of the Third Reich’s consummate cinematic achievements.

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Film and the Third Reich

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Film in the Third Reich: The Power of Images and Illusions

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