
Old Joy

Director in Person
Screening on Film
Directed by Kelly Reichardt.
US, 2005, 35mm, color, 76 min.

Critically acclaimed when it premiered at Sundance this year, Kelly Reichardt’s film about two old friends trying to reconnect on a weekend camping trip is a melancholy exploration of loss, friendship and male alienation. Mark, settled down and about to become a father, and Kurt, an adventurous drifter with few ties, embark on a meditative journey through shifting landscapes and perspectives. By the time they reach their goal, they are ready to face the divergent decisions they have made. Reichardt’s lyrical film, based on a short story by Jonathan Raymond, pays minute attention to almost imperceptible shifts in tone and rhythm, creating an exquisitely nuanced portrait of modern male friendship.

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New American Independent Cinema

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Traveling Light
The Films of Kelly Reichardt

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