Z is for Zombies
After Universal’s success with Frankenstein and Dracula in the late 1930s and early 1940s, RKO decided to make a series of low-budget horror films. I Walked with a Zombie, often referred to as "a West Indian version of Jane Eyre," employs an elliptical narrative to transpose the action of the original story to the Caribbean, where Rochester’s first wife is the victim of a voodoo spell. Director Tourneur’s caressingly evocative direction, superbly backed by Roy Hunt’s chiaroscuro images, makes sheer magic of the film’s brooding journey into fear by way of voodoo drums, gleaming moonlight, somnambulistic ladies in fluttering white, and dark, silent, "undead" sentries.
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Cinema A–Z: Treasures from the Harvard ...
The Last Laugh
Directed by F.W. Murnau, 1924
Live Piano Accompaniment by Yakov GubanovScreening on Film

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Cinema A–Z: Treasures from the Harvard ...
The Last Command
Directed by Josef von Sternberg, 1928
Live Piano Accompaniment by Yakov GubanovScreening on Film

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Cinema A–Z: Treasures from the Harvard ...
Trailers, Trailers, Trailers
Introduction by HFA Conservator Julie BuckScreening on Film